
Aligning with Your Purpose

March 15, 2023

Aligning with your purpose is so important if you want to live a life you love. But, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Have you ever just felt off? Like you’re not sure what’s wrong but something’s just simply not right? Maybe it’s that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Maybe it’s this idea that you’re forgetting something. Maybe it feels like you have so many things to do but no matter how many things you check off your list, you’re never done.

Maybe you feel like you’re in a funk. Or it seems like Groundhog Day: you’re just reliving the same day over and over again and you’re bored by the mundane repetitiveness.

All of these are symptoms of the same issue. You’re living a life that isn’t in alignment with the life that you want. Your life and your actions are not aligning with your purpose.

The good new is, there is a solution! You have to find your purpose, and then start taking action in a way that aligns with this.

How to Find Your Purpose:

1. Get your mind right.

Open your mind up to growth and change. Prepare to do and be different. This is not something that happens overnight, so be patient. Be patient with the process and with yourself.

2. Do the Work.

Start reflecting on times in your life that you felt fulfilled. What were you doing? Where were you? How was your mental and emotional health? Spiritual health? Physical health?

What would life look like if you weren’t restricted by society’s definition of success? Or what your mom wants you to do? Or your bank account?

In your perfect world, what are you doing? What are you wearing? How do you feel? Who are you surrounded by?

Take time to truly think about and reflect on these questions. Visualize yourself in the future.

3. Create a purpose statement.

Once you have done the work to reflect on the life you lead and the life you want, you can begin to draft a purpose statement. Define who you are, what you do, what you’re capable of, and the impact you will have. It’s okay if this isn’t perfect, you have plenty of room to adjust and refine.

find your purpose

My Purpose Statement

I am a strong, fit, and healthy mom who is driven and capable of doing amazing things and empowering others to do the same. I live a life of freedom, generating enough revenue every month to live life on my terms.

What can you tell about me from this? What do I value?

Your purpose statement should clearly delineate what you value and what matters to you and how you will live your life.

4. Find your Tribe

Surround yourself with people who will support you in your purpose. Spend time with people who are doing what you want to do and who understand the life you want to live. You truly are a product of the people you spend the most time with, so chose your friends carefully.

5. Run your purpose by EVERY decision you make.

Got a job offer? Get an invite to dinner? Investment Opportunity? Run everything by your purpose statement. If it aligns, go for it! If it doesn’t – pass! There are only two options here: Hell Yes! Or absolutely not! There is no in-between.

Now that you know your life purpose, go out there and LIVE IT! Every day!

Need help figuring out your purpose? This course is exactly what you need!

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