
Ingredients of Work Life Balance

January 18, 2023

Just like anything in life, the ability to quit the 9 to 5 can be systematized. There is truly a recipe for having it all that consists of 4 ingredients of work-life balance. When you put the ingredients together, your life will never be the same.

Before we get into the specific recipe for having it all, let me tell you why I am uniquely positioned to give you this advice. Simply put, I am a self-made millionaire with free time. I am 36 years old, financially free, and have created a system focused on maximizing personal time. I run businesses that generate passive income to give me total time freedom. I also make enough money to do all the things that I love without having to worry about my bank account. We only get one life, and the one thing we can’t ever make more of is time. I built a business and decided to invest in real estate and cash-flowing businesses in order to maximize the time I spend with my family and friends – doing the things I love, and traveling the world. I’ve met very few people who have the flexibility that I have, the net worth I have, and the feeling of true balance that I’ve been able
to create.

DISCLAIMER: This didn’t happen overnight. It was very hard to create this life for myself. But it is
100% worth it, and I would not trade it for anything. And the best part: you too can create a life just like this for yourself. If you are deliberate, focused, and follow my recipe to having it all, there’s nothing that can stand in your way.

So what are the ingredients to work-life balance?

Ingredients for Work-Life Balance

Ingredient 1: Define what it means to have it all.​

In all honestly, no one really wants it all. We all have priorities and things that are important to us. When we take the time to decide what we really want, we can see that it is possible to have those things. But our definition has to be specific and unique to us as individuals. We have to drown out the noise and avoid defining success by what society wants for us. We have to ignore what our mom/co-worker/spouse/pastor/boss wants for us and decide what it means to have it all without considering anyone else’s opinion.

Ingredient 2: Focus on cutting everything out that doesn’t matter.​

A very wise and successful person once told me that it’s either a “HELL YES! Or it’s a No.” There is no in-between. If the invitation, job offer, or proposition falls within your definition of work-life balance, then it’s a yes! If it does not accommodate the work-life balance you are looking for, then it’s a no. It is that simple.

Ingredient 3: Commit to making it happen.​

Now that you know what your ingredients to work-life balance are, you can commit to them, and only them. Realize that you’re not missing out when you say no to things that don’t accommodate your work-life balance. Other people may not understand why you’re choosing to take control of your life, and some may even be offended when you start saying no, but that is not your concern. Your concern is only the work-life balance you are working to attain.

Ingredient 4: Make this a repeatable process.​

Replicate the process in everything you do in life as you are maximizing personal time. The more you repeat the process, the easier it gets.

If you are interested in becoming a millionaire with free time, check my financial empowerment foundations course!

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