
Erin Helle

Successfully Working From Home

April 20, 2021

Successfully Working from Home

Working from home can be a huge blessing and opportunity, but it requires much more focus and discipline. There tend to be more distractions in your house, and adding kids and a spouse who is also working from home can make a challenging situation even more so. Eliminating the daily commute can be a great time saver, and can really simplify things. On the other hand, it can also be hard to transition from work to home mode at the end of the day, and can compromise a healthy work-life balance. But, this is the current reality for millions of Americans, and there are plenty of things you can do to get through this time without getting completely derailed. Just like anything else in life that you want to do well, you should start with goal setting.

Set Your Goals

Working from home can be a huge blessing and opportunity, but it requires much more focus and discipline. There tend to be more distractions in your house, and adding kids and a spouse who is also working from home can make a challenging situation even more so.

Successfully Working From Home

It is okay to reprioritize, and actually probably pretty wise. Working from home may provide some amazing opportunities, but can also pose some significant challenges. Figure out how it will affect you and adjust your goals to overcome.

Figure out with your daily baseline is. You likely won’t be as productive during this time given everything else that you’re trying to balance but that’s okay, and to be expected. Determine what you have to do every day to keep in line with your goals. These are called Key Performance Indicators, and if they are are in line with your goals, and you accomplish them every day, you will achieve your objectives.

Accept and embrace your new normal

No matter how much you hate the current virus situation, you cannot change it. Even though it’s hard, we just have to get through it. The sooner you realize this fact and accept it, the better off you’ll be.

If you can take it even father and embrace the current situation, and find the silver lining, and see the bright side, you will be unwavering.

Come up with a routine

Schedule your day. This starts first thing in the morning, the minute that you wake up. To perform at your peak, you need to wake up with purpose, ready to get things done and ready to take on the day. If you wake up overwhelmed and without a plan, you likely won’t achieve a lot. You’ll spend much of your day figuring out what you should be doing and floundering without purpose. It’s important to start your day off with right and the momentum you build can carry you through the rest of the day. Not a morning person? It’s not as hard to become an early riser as you might think, and with the right motivation, you could quickly become a morning person. Also, study after study has shown that people who wake up early and have a successful morning routine are not only more productive, but also less likely to suffer depression and obesity.

Successfully Working From Home

If you need some help with this, check out what some of the most successful people are doing for their morning routines.
Once you’ve come up with your plan, you need to stick to it and be very disciplined.

Commit and be disciplined

Stick to the plan! Focus on your morning routine and the things you can control. If you start the day off right, the momentum will carry you throughout the rest of the day. Don’t let your day, your to do list, and your KPIs get derailed by Netflix, or the temptations in the kitchen.

Give yourself some grace

Lastly, give yourself some grace, especially during this time. It is absolutely imperative that you take care of yourself. These are unprecedented times and there’s a lot of pressure on us whether we realize it or not.

Successfully Working From Home

Other tips for success

Dress the part. I don’t mean that you need to get up and put on your uniform that you would normally wear to the office or that you need to put on a three-piece suit, but you should brush your teeth, comb your hair, and dress functionally and appropriately so you can take on the day. Feeling the part can be just as important as anything else and can help you get into the right mindset.

Drink tons of water.

Eat well as often as you can.

Rest as much as you can.

Exercise every day.

For help with this and creating other systems that will help you kickstart your career as an investor, check out our courses!


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