
We Became Accredited Investors

April 6, 2022

We just became accredited investors!

Up until a couple days ago, I didn’t even know what that meant so I want to educate you guys because I just figured it out. Please note that this is an incredibly simplified and brief post about the easiest way most of my readers can become accredited investors. For further explanation, or to learn about other ways to become an accredited investor, check out this article.

There’s a couple of different ways that you can become an accredited investor. The two simplest ways for any individual are:

1- Earn $200,000/year in income for the last two years as an individual, or $300,000 in annual income combined between you and your spouse. If you can’t prove two years of income, you can also have your accountant sign off that you made $200,000 last year and you have a reasonable expectation to make that same amount of money or more next year.

2- Have a net worth of $1 Million or more.

You simply prove one of the above two things to whoever is going to sign your document. The easiest person to do that is your accountant. All we did was send ours proof of our net worth and a memo to sign.

And just like that, we’re accredited!


Why does this matter?

Some investments are only open to accredited investors. We now qualify for these investments and simply have to share our signed memo as proof. It opens up new opportunities, which are always welcome!

Here’s a sample memo for your use when you become an accredited investor!

I became a millionaire in less than four years and I am passionate about teaching others to do the same! It isn’t easy, but it is worth it, and it will change your life!

Real estate is THE BEST way to become a Millionaire. 90% of the world’s millionaires made their money in real estate! And, the real estate industry generates more wealth than all other industries combined!

If you want to learn how I did it, check out my real estate investor course! 


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